
Extending Availability with Existing Resources without Risking Reliability

Top industry performers deploy more effective maintenance strategies, supported by technology, resources and continuous optimization to keep assets performing high on the P-F curve and delivering business value.


Detecting Asset Failure Early for Food and Beverage Companies

Aspen Mtell enables food and beverage companies to improve production quality and reduce unplanned downtime by detecting potential asset failure early on.


Digitalization, Technology Evolution and the Highway of Life

Digitalization tools are driving positive changes for EPC firms, helping projects run with greater efficiency and consistency.


Eliminating Equipment Downtime and Driving Process Improvements

Imagine a scenario where everyone involved in a process agrees on the best course of action based on facts vs. assumptions. Unlock the benefits of multivariate analytics with AspenTech APM solutions.


APM and Industrial AI Bring Untapped Value to Food and Beverage Manufacturing

APM technology, predictive and prescriptive analytics, and AI play a large role for the food and beverage processing industry, driving positive results and sustained growth.


Global Oil and Gas Post-COVID: The Dawn of a New Age

COVID-19 has pressed the green accelerator as part of its impact on oil and gas producers. Technology will open new frontiers to enable the industry to emerge leaner, stronger and greener.


Successfully Executing Digitalization and Sustainability Initiatives

Industry is adopting AI/ML tools to find new ways to execute, become more efficient and increase value from assets in response to market changes.

Connecting AI-ready, Industrial Data with AWS and Aspen Technology

Industrial organizations require historical and real-time data for AI and analytics on the cloud to keep the business running efficiently.


Developing an Integrated Sustainability Business Plan

To remain competitive, companies must develop new levels of operational excellence, gaining agility, flexibility and insight via digitalization.


Digitalization is How Industry Gets Fit for 55

Ambitious new carbon-reduction proposals by the EU will compel major increases in efficiency and sustainability for asset and energy-intensive industries.

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